UH Community

The application we created was a website application which would allow UH students to communicate and find clubs that they are interested. The website has features that allow users to like/favorite clubs and comment on there club page. This allows for communication with the club as well as users of the website. The users can also view other user profiles and view what clubs they liked. Club admins can post and update club information as well as moderate there specific club page.

This project was extremly hard to do. There were many things that I had to learn about how Meteor and Semantic UI worked that we didn’t have that much time to actually develope and code. I created the filter page and with the help of my team members we got it to work. I learned that we should learn more about how to use the tools we have before going in and start developing. I felt that when I was working on the project that I only knew a portion of what Meteor and Semantic UI was capable of. So because I didn’t how to use them properly, I lagged behind on developement.

Source: Community